Wednesday, March 5, 2008


People crack me up. Apparently there is a conspiracy behind everything. I was reading some posts on a forum of one of the local news websites about the recent arson fires that members of "ELF" declared responsibility for. I had expected to see posts from people who were disgusted about the intentional fires and of course I also expected to see a handful of posts from people who defended ELF's actions. But what I did not expect to see was all the posts from people who insisted this was a conspiracy by the builders of the luxury homes to collect on insurance!

I'm always amazed at how quickly people jump to these conclusions. Like somehow the ordinary or obvious explanation just can't possibly be true! Obama just an (extra)ordinary guy running for President? Heck no! He's obviously a Muslim extremist bent on the destruction of the United States! Did Hijackers ram airplanes into the World Trade Center? No Way! That was our own government who did that! That Flu vaccine you got? ...probably a chip implant to observe your whereabouts at all times.

Oh sure, people will say "Oh you are just soooo naive!" and to that I say "Mmmmmaybe, but at least I was able to keep you reading this blog long enough to control your mind using my internet mind control technology - now go...go I command you...go and...umm...cluck like a chicken everytime you see a Walmart!"

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