I got a new truck! It's a Toyota Tacoma. I loooooove it! I've been waiting to get it for several weeks now. I started looking for a black one about a month ago and I was told by the 5 dealers I contacted that there were no black ones in the entire puget sound area. I then decided I would get a white one, even though I've never liked white cars but for some reason I thought the white Toyota Tacomas' I saw at the dealership were really sharp looking. So I put in my order (because they didn't have one with all the options I wanted) and I waited...and as the weeks went by I managed to talk myself out of getting a white one and as fate would have it, a black one came in to the dealership - so I bought it.
So now for the bad luck part. I had only owned my new truck for approx. 48 hours - and I got rear-ended!! I was merging onto the freeway and traffic came to a stop and the young woman in the little Honda Civic behind me took about a 1/2 second too long to hit the brakes and she gave my truck a little bump. I was horrified! I jumped out expecting to see the worst but as far as I could tell the only damage to my truck was that the plastic plug that fits into the reciever hitch had a slight crack in the lower left corner. The young woman's car on the other hand had a nice dent in the hood. Like I said, I don't think my truck sustained any damage but I'm going to have a friend (who is a auto-body repair shop manager) check it out tomorrow just to make sure. The poor girl who hit me was a wreck, I think she thought I was going to jump out of my truck and kill her because she knew the truck was brand new (it doesn't have license plates yet). I assured her I wasn't mad, especially since it was not that long ago that I rear-ended someone myself.
Now of course I am paranoid to the extreme about anything else violating the "newness" of my truck. We were at my boys soccer games the other day and it was a rainy day and instead of caring about how my boys were doing in the game I spent the whole time freaking out about how much mud was collecting on their bodies! I was actually tempted to make them both ride home in the bed of the truck, but the rain and cold temperature - and the thought of child protective services taking my kids away from me stopped me from doing that. So instead I put an old blanket down and instructed them to "Do Not Move!!".
I'm sure in time that my fear of my truck being "violated" in some way will pass. But for right now I am still enjoying getting in it and breathing that sweet "new car smell" (which my boys have declared "STINKS!"). I know it's only a matter of time that the new car smell will be replaced by the smell of McDonald's Happy Meals and sweaty/muddy soccer feet. (Big sigh)
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