Monday, November 12, 2007

Who are these people?

My boys brought home their school pictures the other day and after I looked at them I thought to myself, and then said out loud, "Man, you guys sure look like grown up boys now...". My oldest son Jake then said rather seriously "I know dad...I think I am starting to turn into a person". Jake occasionally comes up with statements like that make wonder if he is a budding philosopher - or possibly an alien from another solar system. Anyways, both my boys are getting to that age where they are starting to change and act more grown up. Moving away from being like sophisticated food devouring pets who can talk and into...well..."people" (who still devour food and remain somewhat pet-like).

Anyways, after looking at there most recent school pictures I thought it might be fun to build a web page using thier pictures taken each year to show how much they have grown up.

Click on "Watch me grow up" whenever the picture(s) stops to "morph" them to the next age.

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